Uses for Video: Commercials Part 1

Uses for Video: Commercials Part 1

Commercials Part 1: Broadcast Ads Commercials are probably the most common assumption for video for business. We’ve produced commercials for years and love doing it! The way we’re going to categorize commercials in this particular blog post is by delivery or...
To My Fellow Creatives

To My Fellow Creatives

To My Fellow Creatives All my creative friends, fellow advertisers, freelancers, filmmakers, artists, brothers and sisters, we are in a precarious position as of when I’m writing this. We live in a constantly precarious position, if I’m being completely honest. We are...
Frenship High School Job Shadow Day

Frenship High School Job Shadow Day

Frenship Job Shadow Day Things have been busy here on the home front! We recently had a really cool opportunity with Frenship High School to take part in their “Job Shadow” day where we had to awesome students come in and shadow us on a video shoot. We want to give a...
2020 Fedex Small Business Grant Submission

2020 Fedex Small Business Grant Submission

We Need Your Help! We’re in a position to receive much needed small business grant money from Fedex! We’ve been hard at work building this video production business for years now and part of our business model has been: Keep overhead low and don’t...
Labor XII Introducing Randy Lee

Labor XII Introducing Randy Lee

If you weren’t aware, we started a band last year because we don’t get enough creative output in our business. I’m laughing at my own joke right now and I know you are too. Ha! But really, 2019 was a great year and we finally felt like we were stable enough to pursue...

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