Lubbock County Tax Office VFX Breakdown

Lubbock County Tax Office VFX Breakdown

VFX Quick Runthrough Greetings all! It has certainly been a minute since I did a VFX breakdown. Then again, it’s been a while since we really did any heavy VFX.  Hopefully, you know, by now, that we like to be ambitious with our projects. Any time we can, we want to...
WunderTRE(k) – VFX Part 1

WunderTRE(k) – VFX Part 1

Welcome to another exciting Hamil Bros Studios blog where we’re going to talk about the VFX done for the WunderTRE(k) Brandfomercial! But first, get familiar with the actual ad! Foreward By Jacob Hamil We’re going to take a minute to dispel some green screen...

Thanks for a great 2014!

Welcome to 2015! It’s hard to believe that our first year as Hamil Bros Studios has come and gone, and what a year it was. Our growth as a video production company was astonishing and there are so many people to thank that I couldn’t list them all. Every...

Too Many Flies

This last week, I was presented with an opportunity to to a visual effects sequence for a short film out of London, England. Yesterday, I completed and delivered the sequence. All I can tell you at this point is that my job was to attack an actress with a swarm of...

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