Lubbock County Tax Assessor: Foley Sound

Lubbock County Tax Assessor: Foley Sound

The sounds of the Paladin Recording “Pan”demonium If you’ve worked with Hamil Bros or you’ve followed us for very long, it’s no secret that we believe sound is possibly the most important element of a video. While there was a lot that went into the sound...
Lubbock County Tax Office VFX Breakdown

Lubbock County Tax Office VFX Breakdown

VFX Quick Runthrough Greetings all! It has certainly been a minute since I did a VFX breakdown. Then again, it’s been a while since we really did any heavy VFX.  Hopefully, you know, by now, that we like to be ambitious with our projects. Any time we can, we want to...
Hub City Spokes Season 3: EP11: LEDA

Hub City Spokes Season 3: EP11: LEDA

Lubbock Economic Development Alliance Welcome to our blog series centered around Season 3 of Hub City Spokes, the podcast we got to produce in partnership with the Lubbock Economic Development Alliance! Before we jump in, if you want to subscribe to the podcast or...
Hub City Spokes Season 3: EP10: SPAG

Hub City Spokes Season 3: EP10: SPAG

South Plains Association of Governments Welcome to our blog series centered around Season 3 of Hub City Spokes, the podcast we got to produce in partnership with the Lubbock Economic Development Alliance! Before we jump in, if you want to subscribe to the podcast or...
Hub City Spokes Season 3: EP9: Carpet Tech

Hub City Spokes Season 3: EP9: Carpet Tech

Carpet Tech Welcome to our blog series centered around Season 3 of Hub City Spokes, the podcast we got to produce in partnership with the Lubbock Economic Development Alliance! Before we jump in, if you want to subscribe to the podcast or check it out on LEDA’s...

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