The Hostage BTS and Bloopers

The Hostage BTS and Bloopers

Who doesn’t enjoy a good blooper reel? With 7 days worth of shooting, how could we not get a great blooper reel? Enjoy the many faces of James Wheeler.     The Hostage BTS and Bloopers from Hamil Bros Studios Video Production in Lubbock, TX –...

The Hostage

What A Week! Well, last night, we premiered our first short film at the 2013 Modern Pioneer Film Festival with Tim Day ( It won the festival and we were asked to do an interview and panel. This was truly an incredible experience and we hope to have...

Something A Little Different

Hey guys, It has been a while. It has become rather apparent that blogging isn’t a habit that has been easy for me to get into. Lately, we have found a little break in the wedding video side of things and have ventured into making a short film. A few months ago,...

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