WunderTRE(k) – Lighting – Part 2

WunderTRE(k) – Lighting – Part 2

Let’s Continue If you haven’t had a chance yet, we strongly recommend you check out our first blog in this series on Lighting the WunderTRE(k). Flashing the the Flasher As you know from the Locations Blog, we had quite a problem with the flasher’s alley....
WunderTRE(k) – The Screwy Crew

WunderTRE(k) – The Screwy Crew

They say, “It takes a village…” I don’t know the rest of the quote, so we’ll stick with that. Our crew was just as much an integral part of The WunderTRE(k) Brandfomercial as the cast was. In this blog post we’re going to talk about each of their parts and how they...
I Don’t Need Fancy Editing

I Don’t Need Fancy Editing

Video Editing What people think we do… What we really do… Fancy Editing This may come as a surprise to you, but, we hear this all the time. “I don’t need any fancy editing.” What does this statement even mean? On the surface, it doesn’t really mean much....
Tentacle Sync Review

Tentacle Sync Review

If you have been using something like Pluraleyes, Premiere, or Resolve to sync your production audio in post, and you are constantly getting poor results or spend a lot of time manually syncing, then this review is for you. The Tentacle Sync Systems offer timecode for...
New Happenings at Hamil Bros Studios

New Happenings at Hamil Bros Studios

We are very excited to announce that Hamil Bros Studios is no longer solely a video production studio! Over the last year we’ve had several people ask us how they get their TV commercial on air after we shoot and produce it. Our only option at that time was to...