The Hostage BTS and Bloopers

The Hostage BTS and Bloopers

Who doesn’t enjoy a good blooper reel? With 7 days worth of shooting, how could we not get a great blooper reel? Enjoy the many faces of James Wheeler.     The Hostage BTS and Bloopers from Hamil Bros Studios Video Production in Lubbock, TX –...
New Name, New Look, Better Quality

New Name, New Look, Better Quality

                Welcome to our new and improved website! Over the last couple of years, G&H Media Productions has been undergoing some changes. One of the questions we receive most often is, “what does the...

Out of the Darkness

From Ross: Sometimes, we get to break away from wedding videos and TV commercials. It’s very refreshing when those opportunities arise because, we are given full creative control with very little agenda. A few weeks ago, we were approached by a committee at...

The Studio at the Gardens: In Store

After the success of the first two TV commercials we had done for Alldredge Studios, we were asked to come back and do two more spots featuring their store-front. We were very pleased with how they turned out.     The Studio at the Gardens: In Store In...

Alldredge Gardens TV Spots

As most of you know, we do mostly wedding videos. When we’re not doing wedding videos, we have more tricks up our sleeves, such as sports videos and shooting television commercials. Last Monday, I had the opportunity to shoot a couple of TV spots for Alldredge...

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