Welcome to our next Labor XII Album Tracking Minidoc! In this episode we cover day 6 of tracking the album, MONSTERS. Day 6 felt like a day of new beginnings for us. We started tackling a song that we’ve not ever played together as a band. It’s a heavy song and it’s going to be a blast to play! 

Check out day 6 of our mini documentary tracking videos and let us know what you think!

With these mini doc videos, we didn’t want to overcommit ourselves on how much video we’d be delivering in each episode. We set a goal of 90 seconds to 3 ½ minutes, to give ourselves some grace. First and foremost, we’re tracking an album and that takes a LOT out of you. We figured 90 seconds to 3 ½ minutes of cut video content would be easily achieved. We’ve learned less is more with these kinds of videos and it gives our audience something they can digest easily.

If you want to do some longer term storytelling about your business or brand, contact us! We’d love to sit down and put a plan together for you!