VFX Quick Runthrough

Greetings all!

It has certainly been a minute since I did a VFX breakdown. Then again, it’s been a while since we really did any heavy VFX. 

Hopefully, you know, by now, that we like to be ambitious with our projects. Any time we can, we want to push ourselves to our limits.

The video for the Lubbock County Tax Assessor’s Office was no exception (and, I still can’t believe they let us do what we did for them).

 Going into this, I knew that we would be relying heavily on visual effects to accomplish some of the ideas that we had for this project.

 Some things we didn’t have access to. Others were things that we just didn’t have budget to make happen practically.

 Below, is a quick runthrough of all of the VFX showing all of the layers.

The Long Version

If you would like more details on accomplishing these things, here is a good half-hour of how we made these visual effects happen.