Things have been hard since the onset of this virus. But, it’s been amazing watching small businesses and people thrive through the adversity. Unfortunately, adversity hasn’t stopped just because the world seems to be falling apart. If you’ve followed our video production company over the years, you’ve encountered our brother, Reed on countless occasions. Most notable would probably have to be the Misadventures of Merkel Dergler or possibly back around Christmas when we shaved his head to get more likes on our facebook page. 

Reed and his wife, Julie, are San Angelo natives where they both support the San Angelo ISD as teachers. Julie is a middle school choir teacher and Reed is a special education assistant for the district. In their free time, they like enjoy gracing the stage at the Angelo Civic Theatre. I’ve been blessed to see them perform in several shows inlcuding Beehive, Fiddler on the Roof, and Little Shop of Horrors. If you know Reed and Julie, it’s no secret that they both LOVE the theatre. 

This past weekend, four rather unsavory individuals decided it was in their best interest to loot and pillage the Angelo Civic Theatre, taking quite a few things that weren’t their’s to take and vandalizing along the way. Man, it sucks hearing about that after knowing they’ve been proactive during much of the coronavirus renovating the theatre to give their patrons and audience the best experience possible. A gofundme has been established to help relieve the financial burden on the theatre. You can find that here or at the bottom of this blog. 

Ross and I have loved musical theater for much of our lives and we want to give back to a community that treats our family so well. Not only that, but the ACT has given us the opportunity to use some costumes for an upcoming video. We hope that you will join up and help this little civic theatre thrive in such uncertain times. They and their community needs your help. Any donation is greatly appreciated! The creative community is SO IMPORTANT right now and if you don’t think it is, how much streaming entertainment such as Netflix, Disney +, Hulu, or even just youtube have you watched since you’ve been stuck at home? Right. Show them some love for us!


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