We Need Your Help!

We’re in a position to receive much needed small business grant money from Fedex! We’ve been hard at work building this video production business for years now and part of our business model has been: Keep overhead low and don’t take out loans unless completely necessary. We’ve kept a loan-free video production company since we started and we aim to keep it that way! 

That being said, we do have some major internal updates to do and winning even the lowest tier of the Fedex Small Business Grant contest would go a LONG way in some much needed upgrades. Specifically, our computers have served us well for years, but with how quickly they become outdated, we’re now looking to upgrade! 



How does this help you, our clients?

Well, these new machines (which we’ve already picked out) will mostly help major processing and render times. But that’s jargon you may not understand. Basically, our visual effects and audio workflows are VERY processing intensive (the computers are under a LOT of duress) and with new hardware comes the ability to dedicate multiple machines to rendering, updated computer guts, and lots of other nerdy things. Basically, it’s going to make us a LOT more efficient for our clients, and save us from some of the day-to-day headaches that come with older computers. 

You can vote once every 24 hours until March 8th! This is going to do great things for us, but we need the help of our Hamil Bros tribe to make it happen! You all ROCK!