Web Video Advertising
Social media platforms such as facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, and so on have created a LOT more opportunity for getting VERY direct results in your advertising. We’re more partial to web video advertising than the regular broadcast advertising that we covered in our last Uses of Video blog. Let’s get started and talk about web video advertising.
One of the BIGGEST perks of web video ads definitely has to be the ad placement cost and the return on investment related to it. Let me tell you right now, you can reach a whole lot more of your demographic (if they are active on social media or the internet) for a whole lot less ad placement dollars than you can with broadcast ads. Now, let me remind you this is totally dependent on your demographic. If you have a budget you’re restricted to, you may be able to leverage to get better quality video production if you can have more precision and less cost on your media purchase.

What are some of the other benefits?
There are a lot of perks in place when it comes to web video advertising and we’re going to lay down the most important ones for you.
Run Time
First, is the amount of run time the video can be. There is no limit on run time for web video ads. There is quite a bit of research done on the human attention span and what people will actually sit through, but it doesn’t dictate the length of your ad. We are HUGE fans of Harmon Bros ads such as FiberFix, Squatty Potty, and Bedjet. Those full ads run in excess of 2 minutes. If you look at their campaigns there are all sorts of different edits to fill the needs of the demographics that the campaigns were targetting. With the advent of web video advertising, they weren’t bound to 15/30/60 second ads. Some of them were upwards of 6 minutes long. On the contrary, if you only need 13 seconds for your ad, then you can do that. We love the ability for the ad to be however long it NEEDS to be. As it is, that helps us make the most effective video ad withouth having to cram, sacrifice, or ditch the elements necessary to making that happen.

Second, is the type of content you can advertise. The type of content advertised on social media platforms is really dictated by the community standards of each social media brand. There are some things you can get away with advertising on social media as long as it’s properly censored and doesn’t breach those community standards. With that, you can’t just make disgusting ads and think it’s okay to run them. As a community, people do have the ability to flag and report ads they may find offensive, which then has to be reviewed by the social media company in question and determined if the nature of the ad breaches the standards they set in place. There are definitely hilarious ads that have been produced for web video advertising that would have never passed quality control on broadcast television.
Ad Targeting
Third is targeting precision. When you agree to terms and conditions on social media, you are agreeing to let them share demographic information with advertisers. Yes, this is the case whether you post that status claiming that “[You] no longer give facebook the permission to… blah, blah, blah.” The difference between broadcast targeting and web targeting is the ridiculous amount of specificity you can have with the web. Broadcast is broad CAST like we covered in the last post. In broadcast they can say, from our studies we find that women between the ages of X and Y tend to watch CBS during show Z. That was REALLY good information back when people didn’t have the ability to stream everything they consume. With social media marketing, you can set parameters that you want caucasion moms, age 37, living in the northwest part of town, who have 2 children, a boy and a girl, that like to play piano only with their left hand to advertise your special single lefthanded keyboard to. Okay, maybe that was a little bit overkill, but you get the picture that can REALLY target that audience. If you’ve done your research or your agency has done their research, they know EXACTLY who uses your products or services similar to yours. Honestly, you should know that as well.

Media Placement Cost
Last is the cost of media placement. If you’re a small business and only want to advertise in your town, maybe you don’t even have a local TV station. But chances are PRETTY HIGH now that your target demographic is going to have a smart phone. You don’t have to worry about spending marketing dollars with the regional TV station in hopes that people in your town are going to watch TV. You can have virtually any budget on your social media placement and you can choose how long it runs. As we mentioned in the last post as an example, a local, single 30 second broadcast TV spot is $250 to run ONE TIME. You can actually do quite a bit of local advertising on social media that will be completely directed at your very specific target audience for that same $250 over the span of a month. Pretty crazy right? With that in mind, you can leverage your budget to increase the actual video production value. Maybe that means bringing in a pyrotechnician, or having a bigger name local celebrity appearance, or more visual effects/animation. The possibilities are endless, but the point is that the product you’re putting in front of people is BETTER.

That was quite the doozy of a blog, but we hope you got a LOT of valuable information out of it. We’d love to partner with you and do your web video production. If you enjoyed this blog there are more to come! Make sure to turn on your post notifications for our facebook and instagram for our day and sign up for our mailing list here.
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