It’s been a while since we’ve posted anything in regards to this movie, but now is time we make some more information known.

Last week, I, Ross finished the first draft of the script. I sent it off to the family that commissioned us to do this film in hopes that we would soon start casting, story-boarding, and doing table readings.

Instead, they informed us that they wish to stop their participation in the making of the movie. They gave no reason beyond that they do not feel anything is to be gained from moving forward.

At this point Jacob and I are trying to decide what we want to do with the film. I have already spent an immense amount of time writing the script and working on pre-production, as well as having already started some production that we had to shoot due to certain circumstances.

It is unclear, at this juncture, whether we will do some rewriting on the script to make it my complete work of fiction or move on to something else entirely.

We do want everyone to know ceasing production on this movie was in no way our wish or recommendation.

We encourage your questions and comments.

We thank everyone for their continued support and we will keep everyone posted.




– Lubbock, Midland and Odessa Videographer Commercial