Australian Animals

What’s going on, folks! We are starting a new blog series that’s going to feature our brother Reed and his new online art presence, Reed Hamil Artworks (facebook and Instagram). If you haven’t seen the project post regarding his introduction film, you can check that out here. 

The purpose of these blogs is going to be two fold! The first fold is for your personal entertainment, because we love you. The second fold is to show you something about branded content and how it can help you build your brand even in small, short videos. 

When conducting the interview with Reed, I decided to end it with random interjections of his thoughts. Those thoughts were then born into “Thoughts with Reed”. Now you’re probably asking, “What does this have to do with brand building?” Well, in Reed’s particular case, it gives the audience much needed insight into how he thinks. His brand is creative, goofy, literal, and artistic. When we dive into “Thoughts with Reed” it reinforces those ideas, particularly the goofiness. This brand building content was not expensive to create, but it can be effective for not only engaging the audience, but also is another content avenue. In the world of social media, content is king. 

Now let’s get into this first video, “Australian Animals.”

I… I can’t argue with the guy. He’s not wrong. As much as I want to visit Australia, they definitely have some of the most interesting and terrifying land creatures known to man. 

This was an optional package we decided to throw in for Reed and it’s just another way to build a brand with video. If you want to increase your presence and look amazing doing it, give us a shout and we’d love to take care of that for you!