Jason Corley For Lubbock County Commissioner Precinct 2

by | Jan 31, 2018 | 0 comments

Political Campaign Videos… We do ’em!

A field we’ve gotten into lately over the last few years is political campaign work. This was started by our good friend Glen Robertson who had us shoot video for his congressional campaign. In this project post, we’re going to walk you through our most recent political project for County Commissioner Candidate, Jason Corley.

We Want to Help Your Campaign Too!

So, in the spirit of helping the imagery and sound quality of your message, head over to our contact page, fill out the form and let us know what we can do for you. If you’re not sure where to start, then be honest about it. We would love to help you find your message and deliver your message to the masses!

Hope you enjoyed this project post and in the meantime, we hope you enjoy these cool behind the scenes photos!

The Time is Now

We actually met Jason on Glen Robertson’s Congressional campaign after he decided to endorse Glen. He told us he was going to run again for something else and that he’d be in touch with us as soon as that happened. Well, it’s happening now. So we figured out how best we could present his ideas to his audience. As you saw in the video, his points are simple. If you’d like to learn more about him, head over to votejasoncorley.com!

This shoot is a great concept that can really work across all marketing points. We want to help you get your message to your audience, but a very important part of that is making sure that the message looks and sounds as good as it is. All the time we see videos all over facebook shot on an iPhone where the speaker is so far away from the camera that ambient noise takes over and the presenter is unheard.