Intro to book reviews

When I was in school, if I’m being candid, I didn’t really enjoy much of the academics. One of my least favorite things was book reports. I didn’t like reading (mostly because I’ve never been good at it), and I hated writing about things I didn’t want to read in the first place (I’m looking at you The Island of the Blue Dolphins).

That was something that I carried with me for a long time. I have always had an affinity for audiobooks, even though I didn’t realize it for a long time. It all started with Hank the Cowdog and carried on with Harry Potter.

Early on in my adult life, I started to find more enjoyment in audiobooks and it has led me down several paths that I’m sincerely happy that it has.

In this blog series, I hope that you are lead to books that will help enrich your life and assist you in finding direction both professionally and personally.

Ross Hamil

Creative Director, Hamil Bros Studios

Building a StoryBrand

I had several people recommend this book. Over the last few years, we, like all business owners, felt like we had plateaued, and that’s never good enough. If we’re not constantly moving forward, then we might as well be dead on the vine.

We weren’t bringing in enough business, and it felt like the majority of the business we had coming in wasn’t work we really wanted to do. It’s not where we thrive and it’s not where we wanted to be.

Enter Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller. The catch phrase of the book is “clarify your message so customers will listen.”

When talking about our businesses, we often speak so much about technical things and industry things that our potential customers can’t figure out if we do what they want. This book will help you pull your head out of your business and think about what customers need to hear to want to do business with you.

It’s not telling them what they want to hear in a way to manipulate them into buying into your service if it doesn’t fit them, it’s just throwing away everything you think they need to hear and getting to the parts that will help them understand that they need your product or service.


My Thoughts

No matter how good we thought we were at talking about our business, it was never as helpful to our customers as we wanted it to be.

With the book come several PDFs, web tools, and guidelines on how to do things. Included in this is a checklist for your website. If you or your web designer aren’t implementing these things, you’re website is falling on deaf ears, so to speak.

Within a few months of rebuilding our front page, we are consistently getting booked for services that we offer outside of full-service productions. Things we were wanting to get booked for.

The best feedback we’ve received is that when these clients visit our website it’s EASY for them to see if we do what they need.

This book needs to be in your arsenal if you want to see quick and long-term success.

Leave us some comments

I would love to hear your thoughts on this book, if you’ve read it and I would also like to hear some feedback on books you recommend and why!