I hope that some of you have become accustomed to our small business inspiration posts on Fridays over the last several weeks. While it has been our goal to release those weekly, sometimes things come up.

For us, it’s been a furious whirlwind around Hamil Bros Studios for the last 4 weeks. If you recall, in my last post, about dreaming big, I hinted at some work that we are doing around HBS. In case you don’t follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you probably haven’t seen much of what’s been going on.

In short, we were tasked to shoot a short film for Tokina Cinema for them to use to promote their line of Cinema Vista lenses and to show at the NAB trade show in Las Vegas. The short film we decided on was The Curse of the Were-Pa. It’s a parody/comedy short that aims to emulate the look and feel of the old monster movies circa 1930’s and 40’s.

With that, they are bringing us to Vegas to show the film and take part in the trade show, which is something we’ve been wanting to do for the last several years. Needless to say, this has been a huge opportunity for us and it has taken up nearly all of our time.

I will conclude by saying thank you, to all of you, for your continued support through our venture and we’ll see you on the other side of Vegas!


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