Hey look! haha made you look. Here we are with another opportunity for you to get to know us a little better. Recently, we were on the 1978 podcast hosted by Alex Potter! We’ve been friends with Alex for years now. I think we met nearly 6 years ago, exactly! It’s been cool getting to see him work from afar and he’s definitely helped us out in a couple of pinches when we needed some art direction for shoots. Here’s the podcast, let us know what you think!

It’s great to catch up with old friends in the film industry. Here we are in 2020 and it’s been an insane year for video production and the importance of it. Now everyone is utilizing video on a daily basis to teach their kids, worship with their church congretation, have staff meetings (that probably still could have been an email), and create content. Now is the time to utilize video for your business, so give us a shout!