Lubbock- Byron Rogers Cantata Concert Available Now!

We mentioned a few weeks ago that we would be doing some video production for a dear friend of ours, Dr. Byron Rogers of Lubbock Christian University.

The camera setup was a little intense. Five cameras were set up at different locations in the Moody Auditorium for optimized coverage of the entire concert.

The performers were tested by the intensity and difficulty of the music, but made a memorable performance that was beautifully executed.  The program went very well and was well received by the audience in attendance!

Dr. Rogers range of reach far exceeds those who were able attend and that was partly why we made a video production of the event. We’re very happy to announce that Sales for the Byron Rogers Cantata are up and running, per Dr. Rogers request! You can find them here.

Also if you would like to purchase them via cash or check please email us at .


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