Throwing Axes, whaaaaaa?

I don’t usually use the blog to talk about non film, video production related stuff, but this is something I just had to talk about. 

Over the weekend, I got to try something new: Axe Throwing. It’s EVERY BIT as awesome as it sounds. I was a little nervous I wouldn’t be good at it, but it’s really easy. We only have one Axe Throwing Joint in Lubbock and it’s called Bad Axe Raider. It was insanely cathartic and the owners there are extremely friendly. 

It resonated with me because I recognize a passion in them that I share for something I love. They are super passionate about giving their customers the BEST experience possible. I can definitely see some short film sort of things happening in their space. It’s just a REALLY cool place to be honest. 

Go support a local Lubbock Business. If you live in the Permian Basin area, make a day trip to check it out. You can book your slot ahead of time so you’re guaranteed to have it. They have pretty much any sharp object that you can imagine throwing at someone during some insanely cool medieval battle plus some more modern wares as well. THEY HAVE FREAKING BATARANGS. Let your inner Dark Knight out and have some fun with friends or family. You can even do it by yourself. 

 Check out their website and Facebook

Also, if you haven’t seen our new 2019 Reel, check it out and give us your thoughts!