Hub City Spokes: Season 3

We’re back with another exciting video production project post for you to feast your eyes on! This newest project is Hub City Spokes Season 3 from the Lubbock Economic Development Alliance. Check out the trailer!

Season 3

For a little over a year, we have been partnering with the Lubbock Economic Development Alliance (LEDA) to produce a podcast about business in Lubbock. Like any economic development corporation, LEDA’s biggest job is to bring business to Lubbock. They brought us on board last year, because they wanted to utilize the popular medium of podcasting to help generate and entice businesses to choose lubbock. This is a pretty great idea and it shows us that Lubbock wants to continue to move forward and stay current. We kicked off Season 1 last year and it was a HIT! After the success of Season 1, they decided to purse Season 2 (read more about it here).

Now let’s get on to Season 3, shall we? 

Change of Venue

Season 3 called for a change of venue, which we took as a much welcomed challenge. Due to current local situations, we weren’t going to be able to utilize the Texas Tech Innovation Hub within the time frame that we needed to produce this season. We had to get a little creative on how we were going to execute it with distancing and disinfecting protocols being what they were. Ross had the idea of reaching out to our good friend, Executive Chef Antonio Pina, to see if we could utilize some space at the new Doubletree by Hilton Downtown Lubbock. I got to go down and meet with Travis (the developer), Matt Roig (the general manager), and Chef Tony to take a look at the hotel. This was the PERFECT LOCATION for this production. 

Let’s Do This!

We loaded in and really got to put our lighting skills to the test with this setup. We had to account for the MASSIVE skylight in the middle of the hotel. It had potential to really effect our production, so we threw up an 8×8 diffustion and re-lit our scene under it so we had the maximum amount of control possible. 

We had a host of extremely interesting guests on this podcast from the Mayor of Lubbock, Dan Pope, to Epidiomologist, Rodney Madsen of Germblast, to United Supermarkets CEO, Robert Taylor, to Mallory and Arnis Robbins from Evie Mae’s Pit BBQ.

It was really encouraging to hear how these folks from all different walks of business have adapted to this current climate. If you run a small business, I highly encourage you to listen through this season. It gave us hope and we hope it gives you hope, too. 

If podcasting is something you might be interested in doing for your business, give us a shout, we’d love to help you either by producing it or consulting on doing it. You can email us at and we’ll be glad to talk with you!