A Good Dame for a Sandwich
It’s been a while since we’ve put any projects out, but we’re finally here to announce our newest short film, “A Good Dame for a Sandwich.” Check it out and let us know what you think!
This film was a submission for the Aputure “Light this Location” film contest and it was pretty crazy to put together. We had an extraordinary team of talented folks come together to bring this film to life. Ross wrote and directed the movie with Robert Del Tour behind the camera as director of photography.
To give you a little bit of an idea, we had certain parameters set by the film competition that we had to follow for the film to be accepted. The film could be about anything we desired as long as it was family friendly. It also could only be five minutes in length and had to have the key word “ACCENT” somewhere in the movie. The last and biggest requirement was that the film had to be completely shot in one, singular location. For instance, we could film in a school, but it we couldn’t shoot in a school and a house location. This created the challenge of the competition to create an entire film in a single location, and in our case, this was ONE ROOM. The film you just watched was shot all in one church gymnasium over the course of two 18 hour days.
Who’s Who
We would have never made without the amazing work of our exceptional cast and crew. Making a film is no easy task and that task becomes MUCH more difficult when you do it with only five crew members. Two of those crew members were Steven Bailey and Travis Burt, who built our wall flats for Detective Joke’s office. Those guys really came through and saved our bacon. We LOVE bacon.
Our cast was a fantastic group of super talented people as well! For our lead male, we obviously had to choose Josh Dansby to be Detective Joke. At some degree, it starts to feel like it’s not a true Hamil Bros Studios production if Dansby isn’t somehow involved. For our lead female, we had the pleasure of Eve Helak, a local highschool senior. What a dame she played! We still can’t believe she’s only about to graduate. Lastly, but not in any way, shape, or form the least, is Ian Lawrence whom we’ve had in various projects such as our Finding Affinity Super Bowl Ad and WunderTRE(k). Ian was glad to play our friendzone fella in this video and did you see that lip quiver? Gosh, it’s right in the feels.
We owe a major debt of gratitude to Raintree Christian Church for allowing us to completely take over their gymnasium for 4 days straight and this film wouldn’t exist without the generosity of that location. Without further adieu, we wanted to share our Behind the scenes film in which we explain the process of making the film.

We love doing narrative work and if you can’t see that in the film and the featurette, you might need to have your vision checked! This project was an immense undertaking and we can’t thank each and every helping hand that gave to this movie. Now, here are some BTS photos that we know you’re dying to see!