Hamil Bowfishing Expeditions Social Media Ad

How is everyone doing? Make sure to comment and let us know! Today, we’re excited to release a project we’ve been working on for some time and just now got around to completing. Some of you may not know, but our dad, along with his ministry, has started a bowfishing charter service here in Texas called Hamil Bowfishing Expeditions. We’ve been providing a lot of different services to him: graphic design, social media management, and other services. We don’t typically offer these services, but we figured it was easiest for us to run those things for him and it kept his costs relatlively low. Now, we’ve gotten to do what we do best for him: video production. We went out and shot on the boat and produced an ad for him on the craziest charter night he’s ever had. Check it out!

It’s been wild watching his business grow and we were glad to put this little ad together for him. If you know our dad, you know he’s pretty much a social butterfly and makes friends with everyone. He’s trying to book more charters and running this ad in a more targeted capacity on facebook. He has gotten some great response! We’ll most likely keep pushing it there to see what happens with it exactly. Make sure to check out the Hamil Bowfishing Facebook and Instagram and give them a follow for us!  If you need something like this for your business to step up your advertising game, give us a shout! We’d love to help you.