Hallie’s Heroes – Shake it Off

We’ve been very excited about this project for some time, and now, today is the day to release it! Introducing “Shake it Off” with Hallie’s Heroes!

In the Beginning

Back in January, our great/very talented director friend, Chris Hatchett, got a hold of us to see if we’d be interested in bringing our Matthews Studio Equipment Master Car Mount to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area for a non-profit music video shoot he’d put together. We told him we’d be glad to make the trip!

Twas the Two Nights Before the Shoot

We had been making a LOT of noise on our facebook page, twitter, and instagram about our recently acquired Matthews Studio Equipment Master Car Mount. This car rig is a BEAST and if you want to know more about it, feel free to check out the gear review we put together. Thus, Chris messaged us on facebook late one night and asked “Would you guys like to come work with Alex Fuerst (another great friend) and myself on this shoot in two days?” We said, “YES!”, packed our bags, jumped in my truck, and drove the 300 some odd miles to Ft. Worth.

Diamond Blackfan Anemia

The premise of the production was to raise awareness of DBA or Diamond Blackfan Anemia. This is a VERY rare bone marrow disease that affects only five in every one million children. Basically, the bone marrow doesn’t have enough red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. Hallie Barnard AKA “Hallie Bea” is a little sweetheart who suffers from DBA. You can help her by getting swabbed to see if you’re a potential bone marrow match at DKMS.org!

We really appreciate Chris and his wonderful wife, Andrea, putting us up in their home for our duration of the trip! We were VERY excited to finally work with these gents. We’ve been friends with them for nearly 3 years thanks to Shane’s Inner Circle and the opportunity to work had not yet risen, so we wanted to take advantage of our chance.

The Shoot Day

The next afternoon after our arrival, we trekked to the Ft. Worth Police and Fire Academy to get ready for the shoot. On location, we met Officer Brandi Kamper, who is a total rockstar. Brandi let us rig up the Master Car Mount on what we’ve affectionately named the Squaburban. The rigging took little to no time, because it’s so fast! We decide to deploy our Black Magic Design Micro Cinema Camera for the job and you may want to think that the footage was post stabilized, but the rig is really THAT GOOD.



Sports utility vehicle retrofitted for law enforcement.

We really loved this opportunity to work with Chris, Alex, all the wonderful folks at Hallies Heroes, and most importantly, Miss Hallie Bea, herself. If you’d like to keep up with the Hallie’s Heroes Facebook Page make sure to click Here and click the “LIKE” button on their page! 


So how do you help? So glad you asked! You can follow the link to DKMS.org to become registered as a bone marrow donor. As soon as you register they will mail you a registration package free of charge that includes a swab so you can potentially become a match for someone who needs your marrow (we both registered today)! Also, to help bring awareness to this cause and this amazing journey, we would greatly appreciate if you would share the youtube link of the video on your social medias: facebook, twitter, instagram, etc and tag your friends. We want to see how far this will go and we’d love for our Hallie Bea to get to meet Taylor Swift or even Ellen DeGeneres. So make sure to tag those lovely folks along with your friends when you share the link!

Thanks so much, from the bottom of our hearts, for reading this blog post and being willing to help a great cause! Just for your enjoyment, we’ve decided to create an image carousel of behind the scenes photos from the shoot!

Hamil Bros Studios is a high quality video production company based in Lubbock, TX. Their work spreads throughout West Texas, Eastern New Mexico, and beyond.


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