Great Plains Equipment Rental

Welcome to another thrilling project post with us, we’re glad to have you! A few weeks ago we received a very direct phone call from Matt Smith at Great Plains Equipment Rental. Matt told us he wanted to do 5 videos detailing heavy machinery he has available for rent. We’re calling this “Video Inventory”  for his website, since each video is tailored to a specific piece of equipment.

I Need it for SEO

Matt is a SMART guy and that didn’t take us long to figure out. After he called, we scheduled a time to run by Great Plains to check out what we were going to shoot. We’ve made it a point to ask what the intention for video is, because we’ve recently started figuring out people don’t always know why they want a video, they just know that “they need one.” We asked Matt why he wanted the videos and he made it really clear. He told us, I need these to advertise with on facebook and they will be GREAT for my SEO (Search Engine Optimization). That was the right answer!


Ha! Nothing bad happened! We had a really simple shoot where we covered all the equipment you watched in the video slider above! We both tag teamed each piece of gear with Jacob on the MoVI and Easy Rig and Ross running handheld on the URSA Mini. We were in and out in less than 4 hours because we didn’t have to light. It was all natural!

These videos are going to be REALLY useful because Matt knows how to use them!  If you’ve got some sweet inventory and wanted a little more in-depth look at it, give us a shout on our contact page. We’d be glad to have a chat and figure out some avenues for that. We are starting to get PRETTY BUSY this spring, and we want to take care of you! So let’s get a plan of attack built for your business!



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