This last week, I was presented with an opportunity to to a visual effects sequence for a short film out of London, England.
Yesterday, I completed and delivered the sequence.
All I can tell you at this point is that my job was to attack an actress with a swarm of flies (digitally). I am very pleased with how it turned out and am even more pleased that, besides the quantity of flies, the filmmaker was very happy with the results after my first attempt.
Working in video and short films, it’s not often, on a project like this, that a first attempt at a sequence like this is the final result (barring a few tweaks). So, I was very pleased to know that I gave them what they wanted on the first try. All I had to do was double the quantity of flies and send it off.
Thanks to VFX artists like Andrew Kramer (, @videocopilot) and Stu Maschwitz (, @5tu), this was a lot easier than it could have been.
I’m excited to see the final rendering of this film and will definitely share it with you guys as soon as I can.