Shane’s Inner Circle Southwest Meetup

by | Jan 22, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

You may be keeping up with our Instagram and Facebook pages and noticed we’ve been making quite a Buzz about being at the Shane’s Inner Circle Southwest Meet up that took place last week in Dallas.

What is Shane’s Inner Circle?

This is a GREAT question. Briefly, Shane’s Inner Circle* is, in our opinion, one of the best if not the BEST online filmmaking educational resource. Fueled by Shane Hurlbut, ASC, a Hollywood grade cinematographer, Shane’s Inner Circle is a very affordable filmmaking education literally from the DEPTHS of real-life, massive budget feature films and commercial production. This resource has changed EVERYTHING about how we light, shoot, edit, and deliver projects to our clients. You get top of the line information about how camera motion ties to emotion, and how to light everything from day interiors to night exteriors to massive green screen builds. Shane teaches how to break down scripts, how to balance between family and production life, and prepping cameras. If you can name it, it’s probably there. If you want to check it out, we HIGHLY recommend you head over to the Inner Circle and see for yourself.

*Shane’s Inner Circle is a subscription based educational resource. As such, the content you receive will be based on the time at which you start your subscription, much like a magazine subscription. However, should you want previous content, it is available for purchase.*

Within the end of 2017, the great folks over at Hurlbut Visuals decided to actually create and craft subgroups of members across the US. Those subgroups consist of the Southwest (our group), Southeast, Los Angeles, and New York. Each of these groups has a set of incredibly talented and driven ambassadors who are dedicated to building meet-ups that are engaging and awesome! The meet-ups are extraordinary for networking and learning more about the industry. Also, they ARE NOT EXCLUSIVE to Inner Circle Members. You’re more than welcome to bring a friend. We invited several non-members to come!

Okay so that’s cool, how does that pertain to the meetup?

Man, you’re on top of it with the questions today! With an Inner Circle Membership, you also get access to a filmmaking community on facebook full of over 2800+ filmmakers of every level of experience, and from all around the world. There are long time film veterans and very green, very fresh, never-held-a-camera-in-their-life members. This may be my favorite part of the Inner Circle. Some of our dearest friendships have been born of this community. Since the beginning, we’ve tried to connect with folks from the Inner Circle whenever we happen to be in a place we know is home to other members. There have been a lot of member led meet-ups over the years, but nothing more than, “Hey! We’re going to be in Dallas, who wants to grab drinks?”

What Happened at the first Inner Circle Southwest Meetup?

Look at you! You know how to ask for exactly what I want to tell! This meet-up was MIND-BLOWING! We met at MPS Studios, in Dallas, and they graciously sponsored the event with a stage and every bit of lighting equipment, chairs, and tables. The evening kicked off with a mixer where attendants could make new network connections and chat with old friends. For us, it presented an opportunity to meet other inner circle members whom we’ve known, on Facebook, for years, yet had never met face to face. This was also a time for attendees to meet some of the other sponsors  (Blueshape Batteries and Wooden Camera) and ask questions.

Around 7:00, we all sat down to have an open Q&A with a FANTASTIC panel of creative industry leaders. The panel was moderated by Chris Hatchett and featured Norry Niven: Director – Lucky 21, Korey Miller: Owner of 1820 Productions, and Daniel Novick: Creative Director – Golin Harris.

At the end of the Q&A it was time to raffle off door prizes!  The raffle included several T-shirts, a $200 off a rental of $1500 or more to MPS, a Blueshape Camera Battery, a Giftcard to Wooden Camera, an autographed copy of “Fathers and Daughters” one of Shane Hurlbut’s recent films, and a Rode Videomic Pro. The big door prize was a Blackmagic Design Micro Cinema Camera. Prior to the drawing for the camera, Chris Hatchett told the crowd, “If you win this, make sure to see the Hamil Bros, because they use this little camera ALL THE TIME!” So naturally, they drew Jacob’s raffle number and we walked home with another Micro Cinema Camera and a handful of irony!

Needless to say, if you’re in the Southwest and you’re into filmmaking, AND you weren’t at this event, you TOTALLY missed out. The good news is: they are planning to have a SIC Southwest Meetup ever quarter. We talked with the Ambassadors (Andrew Redd, Les Gaddis, and Chris Hatchett) after the event and the plans for the next few events sound pretty freaking cool.

We hope to see you at the next one! In the meantime, check out the still photos we shot for the event!