Hey folks! We’re glad you’re here checking out another wonderful blog from us. It’s been quite the journey.
We’ve been doing a CRAP ton of work lately and it’s been insane. So, with that being said, we’ve got some goodies
If you’ve kept up with our Facebook and Instagram, you’ve probably seen us talking about being on the Audio Compression show with Cinema Sound and how we’ve been doing a lot more post production audio lately. So I’m going to take a minute to brag on Ross. I’ve always admired Ross for his audio skills back to my days in high school when he was in a band and I was starting my short lived career in music.
The Year Was 2016
Back in the summer of 2016, we got to help be hands on for a large portion of the production of Cinema Sound by Mark Edward Lewis. During 2018, Ross picked up the finished versions of Cinema Sound and started working his way through the course. I can tell you, even though he’s not finished, the audio differences in projects before and after are NIGHT AND DAY. Ross has certainly been gaining plenty of attention in the realm of post production audio working on several short films last year and this year, as well as just really stepping up the audio game here at Hamil Bros Studios. Here is an example for you to see for yourself what all goes into post sound when Ross is in charge.
Pretty cool huh? Also, much admiration for you for watching through that. It was pretty long, but we hope you found it informative. Even if it was a bunch of mumbo jumbo.
Ross also recently did an interview with Cinema Sound on some of our projects, what his favorite gear and plugins are, how he’s grown as an audio engineer, and much more. You can check that interview out here!
Seriously, you guys are overwhelming us with your support and we are so THANKFUL for each and every one of you. If you want to keep up with our day to day doings, make sure to like our facebook page, follow our instagram, and turn on your post notifications. If you’re reading this and think, “DANG I need the Hamil Bros to step up my business,” then hit us up on our contact page and we look forward to working with you!