Welcome to our blog series centered around Season 3 of Hub City Spokes, the podcast we got to produce in partnership with the Lubbock Economic Development Alliance! Before we jump in, if you want to subscribe to the podcast or check it out on LEDA’s website, you can find it here.
Not gonna lie, Episode 4 featuring Rodney Madsen from Germblast, was REALLY interesting considering the current climate. Rodney is the CEO of Germblast, as well as an epidemiologist. He gives in-depth insight into disinfection and how Germblast is doing their part to keep everyone safe during these rapidly changing times. It’s a little bit of a nerdy episode, but definitely worth a listen. We hope you enjoy it and it gives you a little peace.
If you enjoyed this podcast, we’ll be posting blogs on each for the next 7 weeks after this one. Let us know what you think! If you’re wanting to produce or create a podcast, or just want to explore video production for your business or brand, give us a shout, we’d love to talk! You can Reach us at