Doubletree By Hilton Downtown Lubbock

Welcome to our blog series centered around Season 3 of Hub City Spokes, the podcast we got to produce in partnership with the Lubbock Economic Development Alliance! Before we jump in, if you want to subscribe to the podcast or check it out on LEDA’s website, you can find it here.

Episode 3 is pretty near and dear to our stomachs… I mean hearts! This episode features the general manager, Matt Roig, and executive chef, Tony Pina, of the Hilton by Doubletree Downtown Lubbock. These guys really are key players in this season of Hub City Spokes. If it wasn’t for them, I have NO CLUE what we would have done about a shooting location for this season. They generously offered up the lobby of the Doubletree, even though it was still under construction.  

We LOVE Tony and Matt! This episode brings me hope. They are breathing some new life into the already thriving downtown Lubbock scene. They are going to be the perfect place to book a night after checking out the Buddy Holly Hall or to grab a SWEET meal from the chef man, Tony. Who knows, I might drop in from time to time to play a little piano in the beautiful lobby. Did I mention that Chef Tony fed us EVERY SINGLE DAY we were there? Well, now I have. Enjoy their episode! 

If you enjoyed this podcast, we’ll be posting blogs on each for the next 8 weeks after this one. Let us know what you think! If you’re wanting to produce or create a podcast, or just want to explore video production for your business or brand, give us a shout, we’d love to talk! You can Reach us at


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