It’s been quite a while since we have actually put a blog out on our website. For the most part, we rarely have time to do more than publish new projects we’ve put out, but we wanted to share this!
If you haven’t checked out our project for the Float Spa of Midland, you should click here and familiarize yourself with it. This has been one of our favorite video production projects of the year! We were so happy with the end result, we asked the Float Spa if they minded sitting down and giving us their thoughts of our work on camera. They say it much better than we can!
We preach a LOT about client testimonials. They make for great, driving video content and we believe in them so much that we do them for our business as well! We are extremely grateful for the Greenfields and their willingness to sit down for a moment to review our video work.
We are going to be trying to do more internal production like this with our clients, just so our new clients or potential new clients can get a feel for our work!
On a smaller note, we also did a lighting breakdown of their videos. It wound up being a relatively involved setup considering the amount of space we had to work in.
As always, if you need video work, head over to our contact page and give us a shout!